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All notable changes to the Mobile2b platform will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

  • Added for new features.
  • Changed for changes in existing functionality.
  • Fixed for any bug fixes.
  • Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed for now removed features.
  • Security in case of vulnerabilities.

Throughout the Changelog we might use these abbreviations or acronyms.


Schedule to be released on 2024/07/29

βœ… Added

  • System Configuration:
  • Option to set the start page after login, default page is Dashboard(/flows/dashboard)
  • Flow Designer:
  • Quick node adding - right click somewhere and select which node type you want to add
  • Order draggable nodes based on most used
  • Table Generation: Option to hide header for each column
  • Node Groups improvements: Duplicate, Drag all nodes when dragging group, preserve node relations when duplicating
  • Public flows support default element value from URL
  • UI Designer:
  • Order draggable elements based on most used
  • Option to remove all translations for the selected language
  • Text element: Display as password option
  • Refactored "Start with a blank UI" option
  • Model Designer:
  • Order draggable properties based on most used
  • Template Designer:
  • Order draggable elements based on most used
  • Views:
  • KPI new display option Pie

🚧 Fixed

  • Business Model:
  • Export objects when the Model name contains reversed symbols like "/"
  • Jobs:
  • Responsible person is sometimes Unknown
  • Flows:
  • Variable is sometimes not resolved


Released on 2024/06/10

βœ… Added

  • Settings:
    • Option to enable/disable email notifications for Flow Runs with errors
  • Business Models:
  • Flow Runs:
    • Support for large UIs
  • Mobile2b Referral program

βš™οΈ Changed

  • New menu look in web app


Released on 2024/05/29

βœ… Added

  • Flow Designer:
    • Web Function node: predefined list of functions(library)
  • UI Designer:
    • Table element: show/hide header option
    • Location element: choose location manually option
  • Flows:
    • Support for processing large UIs
    • Fill UI by using speech
  • Business Models:
    • ID property: new option "Is numeric"
    • New option in settings to show/hide highlight document
  • Business Objects:
    • Create/Update by using speech
  • Documents:
    • Support for editing Markdown and Text documents


Released on 2024/04/15

  • Template Designer:
  • Flow Designer:
    • Code Generation node
    • Document Create: ignore empty relationships option
    • Document Generation: ignore empty relationships option
  • Business Objects:
    • Relative date & timestamp filters
    • Soft Delete
  • Views:
    • KPI view improvement
    • Table: new function Aggregate column
  • UI Designer:
  • Help information for Old World features was removed
  • Commercial section which replaced the Account/Billing page


Released on 2024/02/01

βœ… Added

  • Flow Designer:
    • UI: Ui Selection elements now have two different variables: one for the ID of the selected option and one for the label of the selected option
    • UI Lookup: Element type and Model ID options for filters
    • OpenAI: Select model
    • HTTP: New media type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    • Business Object Update: Allow resetting property value
    • More meaningful exceptions
  • UI Designer:
    • Tolerance: Support for dynamic nominal element
    • Label and Alert: Rich text
    • Video: Fix for larger videos
  • Model Designer:
    • Many-to-One and One-to-One: Link and Preview card options
  • Business Objects:
    • History detail page
    • Actions: More filter options
    • Usage of status labels instead of IDs
    • Show Icon properties in display value
    • Optimizations on duplication logic
    • Many-to-One and One-to-One: Hierarchy view in object detail page
    • Highlight the first uploaded picture by default
  • New Permission overview
  • Auto collapse sidebar new opening designers so editors have more space
  • Support for searching by group title
  • Rich Text Editor: Icon selection
  • View: More meaningful exceptions
  • Offline Manager: Sync Business Objects for offline usage in Flows

🚧 Fixed

  • Business Objects:
    • Display value for Status element uses the request language for the returned translated label
    • Issues with batch-editing
    • Changing the icon throws an exception
    • Use request language for translations for all properties
    • Duplicating was not updating the ID properties when set as auto-increment
  • Views:
    • Sharing a view was not immediately shown with the user/s it was shared with
  • Flow Runs:
    • Events were not sent in rare occasions
    • Flows getting stuck
  • Flow Designer:
    • Email Node: Fixes for attachments
    • Document Generation Node: Missing template variables
  • Jobs:
    • Report: Interaction images not shown in PDF/Word exports
    • Exporting as excel throws exception in rare occasions


Released on 2023/11/28

βœ… Added

  • Flow Designer: new UI Lookup node
  • Flow Designer: Proxy support for HTTP Node
  • Flow Designer: Document title used when sent as an attachment in E-Mail node
  • Flow Designer: Added Flow Component node
  • Runs: Optimizations for better performance
  • Runs: Improved error messages
  • Runs: Auto-archiving runs after 30 days
  • Flow Revision: Improved error messages
  • Flow: Email notifications to admins when flow was completed with errors
  • UI: Support for history and comments
  • UI Designer: Translate entire UI with DeepL or OpenAI integration
  • UI Designer: Text element regex validation
  • Business Model Action: Use optimized filters
  • Business Objects: In case of deletion - add the event in the history of all related objects
  • Business Objects Table: Option do display parent objects properties
  • Flow Designer: Search functionality - Ctrl+F or click on the search icon
  • Flow Designer: Group nodes functionality
  • Flow Designer Object Update node: Allow resetting property value
  • Template Designer: New element of type Business Object
  • Jobs: Added maximum date range limit of an year

🚧 Fixed

  • UI: Cannot be completed
  • UI: Loop node does not show Option ID & Option Label with element of type selection
  • UI: Button element cannot be deleted
  • Public UI: Finishing the UI pauses the whole flow
  • UI Response: Order from template is not pulled in flow report
  • UI Response: Improved history/activity
  • Flow: Missing error message in query node
  • Flow: Cannot be published/fetched when any of the operator EMPTY/ISME was used
  • Flow Designer: Post action of HTTP Node does not send data
  • Business Object: Not showing correct display value
  • Business Object: Issues with history
  • Business Object: Wrong label language for multi language texts
  • Business Object: Filter operator NIN (Not In) not working
  • CSV/XLSX: Export improvements
  • CSV/XLSX: Not showing single values for Many-To-Many relations
  • Business Model: Saving properties with the same label as other property's label for the same language
  • Business Object Events: Error when manually adding an event
  • Business Object: Improvements for Display values
  • Views: Issues with access
  • UI: Do not remove, just hide the columns based on the "Columns To Hide" section
  • Responses: Improved messages


Released on 2023/10/16

βœ… Added

  • Permissions: import / export csv files (if model.objects.create permission is enabled then import button is available)
  • Flow Designer UI node: allow delegation of tasks of assigned to specific user or group
  • Auto-translate i18n text properties using DeepL or OpenAI
  • DeepL node
  • Flows and Business Objects: ITF scan support
  • Model Designer: option to preview Object cards in Business object detail page
  • SSO Authentication: user won't be able to login if it's inactive
  • Business Object: support filtering by option label for Status/Selection/Stages properties
  • Business Model Action: support for V2 filtering
  • Business Object Edit View: support for highlighting image for preview created
  • Business Object Query Node: Improved validations
  • Tips for Flow, UI, Template, Bot and Model designers

🚧 Fixed

  • Business Object: Boolean properties with value false in Selection Element Filters returned incorrect result set
  • Business Object: Issues with filters
  • Business Object: Grouping by status


Released on 2023/09/11

βœ… Added

  • Flow Designer: Set Variable node
  • Launch Pad can now be customized: custom order of Flows, add/remove Flows directly from Launch Pad
  • Flow Designer - Document Generation/Create: You can now use a File variable so, for example, generated documents can automatically be sent as a PDF attachment in an email.
  • UI Designer: Button element
  • UI Designer: Export/Import of language files(elements translations)
  • Security Activity: Logging of Business Objects Users/Groups access change
  • Settings: Users can enable sound notifications
  • UI Designer: New UI elements are now considered in the reruns responses
  • UI: Added Button elements for UIs which had none
  • Business Object Filters: Authenticated user groups are considered as well for IS ME & IS NOT ME operators
  • Flow Designer Variables: Added multi-language variables for Business objects
  • Flow Designer: Manual support for UI buttons
  • Flow Designer UI Node: UI can now be a variable
  • Notification Nodes: Support for "Ignoring Empty" values
  • Views: Support for transferring ownership to another user

🚧 Fixed

  • Flow Dashboard: now working again and faster than ever
  • Business Object: I18nText display value resolves shows the localized text
  • Flow Designer: Improved error messages
  • Business Object Filters: Fixes and improvements
  • Business Object Search: More accurate searching capabilities


🚫 Removed

  • Image Gallery module (first deprecated in release 2023.5)
  • Inventory module (first deprecated in release 2023.5)
  • Projects module (first deprecated in release 2023.5)
  • Time Tracking module (first deprecated in release 2023.5)


Released on 2023/08/22

βœ… Added

  • Flow Designer: Parser node Video
  • Flow Designer: Document Query node
  • Flow Designer: HTTP node: ability to send multipart form data
  • Flow Designer: Email node: ability to ignore empty variables
  • Flow Designer: Performance improvements
  • UI Designer: ability to duplicate UI Dynamics
  • UI Designer: set static default values
  • UI Designer: Business Object Selection element: more filter options
  • UI Designer: Logic element: condition options for Business Object Selection element
  • Template Designer: Section element
  • Views: Edit Table view
  • Views: Gallery view
  • Views: Full-screen mode
  • Views: Transfer ownership
  • Model Designer: ability to add custom help text for each property
  • Model Designer: ability to add min/max values for number properties
  • Model Designer: ability to set filters for relation properties
  • Business Objects: More filter options
  • Business Objects: Automatic refresh when object was created/updated/deleted by another user
  • Roles: Duplicate functionality
  • Desktop Notifications: can be enabled from Settings page

🚧 Fixed

  • Business Objects: High memory consumption for hierarchical filtering
  • Business Objects: Relationships not shown correctly in model diagram
  • Business Objects: User/Group access on actions
  • Business Objects: Export of i18nText properties not working
  • Tasks: Progress value indicator
  • Jobs: Duplicate occurrences from Templates
  • Runs: Slow loading
  • Flow Designer: Business Object Query Node filtering by user selection


Released on 2023/07/13

βœ… Added

  • UI Dynamics: change UIs on the fly See video
  • Flow Designer: Add attachments in Email node
  • Flow Designer select multiple nodes by drawing a rectangle over the nodes
  • Flow Designer select multiple nodes and move/align/distribute/duplicate/delete
  • Offline Flows: Start flow online, go offline, add data in UI, go online to finalize UI
  • View allow setting description
  • Templates allow setting description
  • More icons available for Flows and Business Object actions
  • Business models new property Multiple Selection to store multiple options (see video)
  • Pivot Table View "Group by" option
  • Table View edit objects on side, modal pop-up or default new page
  • Flow Designer Document Generation: add option to ignore empty placeholder values
  • Flow Designer Date/Time Calculation node: add/subtract dates
  • Flow Reruns: Restart a Flow Run with the populated values of the original Run
  • Business Object Actions: allow rerun with Internal Link action
  • Business Objects Table: allow editing in modal, side or new page (default)
  • Business Objects Pivot table: group by option now available
  • UI Designer more styles options for Assessment and Selection elements
  • UI Designer Repeat Group: User or Flow controlled Repetitions

βš™οΈ Changed

  • Business Objects Distribution Chart changed to only Chart, Sum and Count functions are allowed

🚧 Fixed

  • Flow Designer: Business Object Create/Update: setting/updating a location property from a UI location element

⚠️ Deprecated

  • Image Gallery: this feature will be removed in version 2023.7. Please migrate to image documents.
  • Inventory: this feature will be removed in version 2023.7. Please migrate to business objects.
  • Projects: this feature will be removed in version 2023.7. Please migrate to business objects.
  • Time Tracking: this feature will be removed in version 2023.7. Please migrate to business objects.


Released on 2023/05/18

See this article for more information on this release.

βœ… Added

  • Flow Designer: added OpenAI node
  • Flow Designer: added Switch node
  • Flow Designer: added Discord node
  • Flow Designer: AI assistant for creating Flows (powered by ChatGPT)
  • Model Designer: AI assistant for creating Business Models (powered by ChatGPT)
  • Model Designer: new property Multi-Language Text
  • Model Designer: allow setting default value for object properties
  • UI Designer: AI assistant for creating UIs (powered by ChatGPT)
  • UI Designer Selection element: allow setting icon for options (see video)
  • UI Designer Selection element: allow displaying options as buttons (see video)
  • UI Designer Columns element: allow setting column width
  • UI Designer Image element: allow using Document and URL plus the upload functionality
  • Views: allow duplicate
  • Documents: allow going to next/previous document when previewing
  • Documents: allow sharing all types of documents: Flow, PDF, image...

βš™οΈ Changed

  • Model Designer: new way of creating/updating Business Models, similar to UI Designer (WYSIWYG) (see video)
  • Model Designer: allow hiding properties label when creating/updating Business objects
  • Flow Designer Document Generation node: allow show/hide elements from UI response (see video)
  • Flow Designer UI Node: Assessment and Selection UI elements now have two different variables: one for the ID of the selected option and one for the label of the selected option (note that for multiple-choice selections, you will have a list of selected IDs or labels)
  • Now showing error message when required variables in Start node have not been set
  • Documents: allow switching to Next/Previous document by clicking on buttons or using arrow keys (keyboard)
  • Documents: allow filtering by Business Object
  • Views: allow combining multiple sub-views on the same page (see video)
  • Business Objects: new way of filtering (see video)
  • Business Objects: allow filtering by "Parent" properties
  • Business Objects: automatic hierarchy
  • Business Objects: new page for creating/updating
  • Views: changed and extended the sharing capabilities, details here
  • Visualization View: added ability to use images from a parent Business Object as a layer, details here

🚧 Fixed

  • Flow Designer: general performance improvements
  • Documents: loading files in public documents

🚫 Removed

  • Model Designer: removed "Overview" option for properties, this functionality was moved to the Table view
  • Model Designer: removed "Filterable" option for properties, all properties can be filtered


Released on 2023/03/23

See this article for more information on this release.

βœ… Added

  • Allow setting default values for UI nodes in Flow Designer
  • Business Objects export: select which properties you want to export

βš™οΈ Changed

  • Business Objects: batch processing. Select which properties you want to update instead of showing all the available properties
  • Flow Designer: UI loop node now allows looping over other UI loop nodes (this allows for stacked loops)


Released on 2023/02/23

See this article for more information on this release.

βœ… Added

  • Business Objects Views: you can now update your view if f.e. you changed any filters (see Eye-Icon at any View -> " Update View")
  • Business Objects View: Distribution with 3 view options: Bar, Line, Area
  • Business Objects View: Scatter
  • Business Objects View Status: added 3 more view options: Pie, Donut, Treemap
  • Business Objects Table view: inline editing via double-click on object property
  • Business Objects Table view: group by option
  • Business Objects Table view: resizing, reordering and removal of columns
  • Business Objects: quick scan for all views, after a successful scanning, the user is redirected to the scanned Business Object detail page
  • Business Objects: actions can be setup in Model Designer, will be shown in Table View
  • Business Objects Views: Support for searching in Views
  • Business Modes: diagram enabled
  • Users no longer need to logout and login when their permissions / groups / roles have changed on web
  • Flow Designer: allow setting default values for UIs in UI node
  • Support for external scanners (barcode, QR-code, etc.)
  • Revisions for: Flows, UIs, Templates
  • Flow Designer: Search nodes and variables
  • Improved responsiveness of web on mobile and tablets

🚧 Fixed

  • Multiple problems with Flows, Flow runs, UIs, Templates
  • Multiple performance issues on Web


Released on 2023/01/10

βœ… Added

  • UI Designer checkbox "Show label" for Text, Number, Business Object Selection, Date/Time
  • UI Designer User Selection allow selecting User, Group or both
  • Flow Runs show map with current location when using Location element

βš™οΈ Changed

  • Template Designer Table element no longer has predefined column titles, these we moved to Flow Designer Table Generation element

🚧 Fixed

  • Multiple fixes for Flow Designer
  • Multiple fixes for Flow Runs
  • Multiple fixes for UI Designer
  • Multiple fixes for Template Designer


Released on 2022/12/14

βœ… Added

  • Different types for Business Objects views - List, Calendar, Timeline, KPI, Pivot table, Map, Visualization, Status, Pareto chart
  • New Business Model property "Visualization"
  • New Flow node: Date/Time loop

βš™οΈ Changed

  • Side menu links to Business Objects, go to "Views" page and create views from there.
  • Changed Business Object Tile API to handle polymorphism better

🚧 Fixed

  • Multiple fixes for Flow Designer
  • Multiple fixes for UI Designer
  • Multiple fixes for Template Designer
  • Falling back to job.responsibilityName when report.userFullName is not present for exported jobs as xlsx
  • Fixed issue with 2FA fields (secret and validation token) from user being removed when it's saved

⚠️ Deprecated

  • Model Designer settings, change these to properties