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Workflow Variables and Functions


Variables in a workflow are enclosed by curly braces and prefixed by a dollar sign: ${variable_name}.

Variable name Description
job_id Returns the ID of the current job
job_title Returns the title of the current job
current_user_name Returns the first and last name of the current user (e.g. "John Doe")
current_user_email Returns the email address of the current user (e.g. "")
previous_user_name Returns the first and last name of the previous job user (e.g. "John Doe")
previous_user_email Returns the email address of the previous job user (e.g. "")
previous_job_title Returns the title of the previous job
origin_job_user_name Returns the first and last name of the origin job user (e.g. "John Doe")
origin_job_user_email Returns the email address of the origin job user (e.g. "")
origin_job_title Returns the title of the origin job
current_weekday Returns the current weekday as a localized string (e.g. "Thursday")
current_date Returns the current date in a localized format (e.g. 6/20/19)

Job Sequences

Jobs in a sequence can be addressed as follows:

Origin vs. previous vs. current job

Metadata Keys

Key Description
{"disabled" : true} Disables the possibility to edit a workflow element during the job (currently only available for number elements and business object selection elements).
{"showInRadarChart" : true} enables to show a radar chart for 5s workflows (has to be in every 5S group)
{"defaultValues" : {"ELEMENT_ID": "DEFAULT_VALUE"}} For nested workflow element only, sets default values for elements in the nested workflow
{"minValue" : ${ELEMENT_ID}} For number element only, adds validation for minimum value which can be other number, calculation or Business Object element
{"maxValue" : ${ELEMENT_ID}} For number element only, adds validation for maximum value which can be other number, nalculation or Business Object element
{"calculatedValue": ${ELEMENT_ID}+${ELEMENT_ID}+${ELEMENT_ID}} Show the input from other text fields within an other text field
Element references

All elements in a workflow can be referenced by variables. Use the action in the workflow designer to copy the appropriate variable string to the clipboard (${id-of-copied-object-selection-element-link. e.g. ${d8378c86-49fc-bd7a-1d45-0c7dd5aa43d1}).

If the referenced element is a business object selection, you can also reference particular properties of the object by the respective property ID. We call this deep referencing: ${ .id-of-model-designer-property-element-link} (e.g. ${}).



The math() function can be used to evaluate mathematical expressions. An example of a mathematical expression would be math(1+1). This would return 2 as a result. The math() function can also be combined with variables: math(${var1}\*${var2}).

Decimal values need to use . as the decimal separator (e.g. math(2\*2.5)).

days_between() (Beta)

The days_between() function can be used to calculate the number of days between two given dates. The result is always an absolute value. The function expects two dates in YYYY-MM-DD format separated by a comma like days_between(2020-01-01,2020-01-15).

Variables can also be used as function parameters like this: days_between(${current_date},${d8378c86-49fc-bd7a-1d45-0c7dd5aa43d1}).

See Workflow Designer